All Saints and Sinners Day
The dead are dancing and so are the living! It's time for another trip to the cemetery and party like it's some kind of rave. Yup that's what All Saints Day have become here in our beloved country, the Philippines. We celebrate the day of the day (which incidentaly should be on the 2nd of November, All Souls Day, hmmm.) with much merriment than the traditional day of prayer and remembrance. But hey why the hell not? It's miserable enough to be in a graveyard and among the dead, that maybe we should be having fun, rather than agonizing and feeling somber over somebody who has supposedly gone to "a better place." Anyway this has been occuring in the Philippines for as long as I can remember (long before I was born). Families would troup into the cemeteries bringing food, drinks, and entertainment. They would camp out until the next day (or more), drinking, singing, dancing, or just playing tongits. It's like a macabre Woodstock complete with fights, comfort room problems, and the occasional rain. Recently this form of celebration has been stilted by the powers that be to ensure public safety, and to uphold the old traditions of our beloved ancestors (who are lying dead six feet under our shoes). Anyway it's all propaganda, it really doesn't hold true, because tradition is lame and pinoys just want to have fun. I guess if I was dead I'd prefer the people around to have fun than to mope around pretending to be sad, reciting prayers out of a booklet you only open say once or twice a year. I say let the party begin! This is halloween! This is Halloween!